Clak ‘n’ Yak Social Group

Lower Mountains Neighbourhood Centre 33 Hope St, Blaxland

A group for people interested in knitting, crocheting, crafting, quilting and of course, chatting! During school terms: Fridays 10am to 12pm Lower Mountains Neighbourhood Centre, 33 Hope St, Blaxland A gold coin donation would be appreciated. Tea and coffee are available. For more information: Please call 4739 1164.

Blaxland Ukulele Group (BUGs)

Lower Mountains Neighbourhood Centre 33 Hope St, Blaxland

Join a social group focused on learning and playing the ukulele. During school terms: Fridays 10:00am - 12.00pm Lower Mountains Neighbourhood Centre, 33 Hope St Blaxland A gold coin donation would be appreciated. For more information: Please call Belong Blue Mountains 4739 1164.

Lower Mountains Writers’ Group

Lower Mountains Neighbourhood Centre 33 Hope St, Blaxland

The Lower Mountains Writers' Group is an opportunity for anyone interested in writing to get together and meet with like-minded people. During school terms: Fridays 4pm to 6pm Lower Mountains Neighbourhood Centre, 33 Hope St, Blaxland. The details Finding a community of writers that support one another can be a great source of inspiration and …


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