Raymond Street Bushcare, Glenbrook

Raymond Street, Glenbrook

This group works on rehabilitation of a riparian corridor using bush regeneration techniques. New volunteers are welcome. Visit this group’s own website Year started: 2015 Meeting day: Fourth Saturday of the month, …

Valley Heights Bushcare Group

Benoit Park Cambridge St, Glenbrook

Bush regeneration in Benoit Park, Valley Heights Started: March 2006 Meeting day: Fourth Saturday of the month, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Meeting point: Cambridge Street, Valley Heights Bushcare officer: Jane Anderson Land …

Cross Street Reserve Bushcare Group, Warrimoo

Bush regeneration in Cross Street Reserve, Warrimoo, and the area around the oval on Rickard Road. Visit this group’s own website Started: 2002 Meeting day: Fourth Saturday of the month, 1:30 pm …

Fitzgerald Creek Catchment Group

This catchment group meets to plan and discuss conservation and ecological restoration of the catchment.   Meeting day: Fourth Saturday of the month, 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm Meeting point: Contact …

Introduction to bowls – Friendship Day

Panthers Glenbrook Bowling Club 1 Hare St, Glenbrook

Panthers Glenbrook Bowling Club: Enjoy the fun of lawn bowls - no matter what your ability. When: 2pm followed by a barbecue at 4pm, the last Sunday of the month. …


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