Clak ‘n’ Yak Social Group

Lower Mountains Neighbourhood Centre 33 Hope St, Blaxland

A group for people interested in knitting, crocheting, crafting, quilting and of course, chatting! During school terms: Fridays 10am to 12pm Lower Mountains Neighbourhood Centre, 33 Hope St, Blaxland A …

Blaxland Ukulele Group (BUGs)

Lower Mountains Neighbourhood Centre 33 Hope St, Blaxland

Join a social group focused on learning and playing the ukulele. During school terms: Fridays 10:00am - 12.00pm Lower Mountains Neighbourhood Centre, 33 Hope St Blaxland A gold coin donation …

Lower Mountains Writers’ Group

Lower Mountains Neighbourhood Centre 33 Hope St, Blaxland

The Lower Mountains Writers' Group is an opportunity for anyone interested in writing to get together and meet with like-minded people. During school terms: Fridays 4pm to 6pm Lower Mountains …

Paint and Sip Workshops

12 Jamison Street, Blaxland

If you've ever wanted to learn great painting techniques while having fun with friends, colleagues or family, this workshop is for you. Lower Mountains artist Corinne Loxton creates memorable group …

Youth Group – Blaxland

Blaxland Gospel Chapel 36 Rusden Rd, Blaxland

Blaxland Gospel Chapel hosts a youth group for high school aged children to have fun, make friends and to learn more about following Jesus. When: 7.00pm-8.30pm Fridays during school term …

Raymond Street Bushcare, Glenbrook

Raymond Street, Glenbrook

This group works on rehabilitation of a riparian corridor using bush regeneration techniques. New volunteers are welcome. Visit this group’s own website Year started: 2015 Meeting day: Fourth Saturday of the month, …

Valley Heights Bushcare Group

Benoit Park Cambridge St, Glenbrook

Bush regeneration in Benoit Park, Valley Heights Started: March 2006 Meeting day: Fourth Saturday of the month, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Meeting point: Cambridge Street, Valley Heights Bushcare officer: Jane Anderson Land …

Blue Mountains and Penrith Woodworking Club

Mt Riverview Girl Guides Hall Bunbinla Ave, Mt Riverview, Mt Riverview

Learn new skills, save items from landfill, help charities and have fun! Check out the Blue Mountains and Penrith Woodworking Club. Visitors, and new members aged 18+, are always welcome. …

Cross Street Reserve Bushcare Group, Warrimoo

Bush regeneration in Cross Street Reserve, Warrimoo, and the area around the oval on Rickard Road. Visit this group’s own website Started: 2002 Meeting day: Fourth Saturday of the month, 1:30 pm …

Fitzgerald Creek Catchment Group

This catchment group meets to plan and discuss conservation and ecological restoration of the catchment.   Meeting day: Fourth Saturday of the month, 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm Meeting point: Contact …

Springwood Growers Market

Springwood Hub 104 Macquarie Rd, Springwood, NSW, Australia

Opened in 2015, Springwood Growers Market proudly hosts more than 50 growers and producers. A selection of what's on offer:  Organic fruit and vegetables Beef, pork and bacon Olives and …

Introduction to bowls – Friendship Day

Panthers Glenbrook Bowling Club 1 Hare St, Glenbrook

Panthers Glenbrook Bowling Club: Enjoy the fun of lawn bowls - no matter what your ability. When: 2pm followed by a barbecue at 4pm, the last Sunday of the month. …


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