Tag Archives: Plants

Blaxland High Taking Native Crops to the Dinner Table

blaxland high students with anastasia vickers

Led by First Nations students and community, Blaxland High School has established a native food garden and students are using crops grown in the garden as ingredients in food technology classes. The school received injections of expertise from many quarters including an Aboriginal-owned social enterprise to learn about and embrace the use of native plants for cooking and sustainability.

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Top Tips To Help Your Garden Survive Summer

Glenbrook native plant nursery

There are many steps you can take to protect your garden from the impacts of hot, dry conditions. Glenbrook Native Plant Nursery and Reserve volunteers share their advice on how to help native plants thrive and, in turn, cool down your home environment.  

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Treasures on Your Doorstep

Imagine needing a treasure map to navigate around your own backyard. That’s exactly what Kim Wood created after discovering rare and endangered plants in her native garden. Kim and Martin had no idea how special the garden they inherited actually was.

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